OnePlus 6 India launch Entry tickets sold out within minutes

Tickets for the upcoming OnePlus 6 India launch sold out in minutes. OnePlus is one company that has always given the utmost importance to its fans. OnePlus has also sold 1500 entry vouchers for its core fans who wish to attend the launch event.

Entry tickets went on sale this morning, the 8th of May, 2018 at 10:00am and tickets were sold out within 4 minutes.

The company already announced that the fans who attend the launch event will receive a gift hamper full of super add-ons including a OnePlus Tote Bag, Marvel Avengers Cap, Marvel Avengers T-shirt, OnePlus Notebook, Cash Cannon and OnePlus Voucher for Rs.999.

“For the Mumbai event, tickets have been purchased by community members from all over India, including Ujjain, Allahabad and Coonoor and cities like Bangalore and Delhi, with hundreds of fans traveling exclusively for the launch event,” said OnePlus.
Amazon Prime members will be able to buy the OnePlus 6 in an exclusive sale beginning at 12:00 IST on 21st May 2018.

OnePlus 6 India launch Entry tickets sold out within minutes OnePlus 6 India launch Entry tickets sold out within minutes Reviewed by Unknown on 18:24:00 Rating: 5
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